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Yes or Nah: Seti’s Love Story! And, mine too!!

Hello Farm! Seti, our boer beauty queen at USA Agro Farm is not an ordinary goat. She’s very special, affectionate one and her friendly behavior is so irresistible that you can’t but love her. Her unique soft bleat sound that I can only hear or decipher as her love for me every time she comes to meet and greet me. She does all dramas including gentle head-butting or rubbing her horns against my thighs or on my back establishing close bonding. We’re matched. I adore her so much. Goats are social animal and research shows that their emotional intelligence is encoded in various vocalizations. That’s true indeed with Seti.

No Farmers, No Food! And, we mean it.

That’s right, you read it right. American Farmland Trust rightly said,  #NoFarmsNoFood. USA Agro Farm will also grow vegetables and fruits. They’ll be naturally grown organic produce. Way to go. Feed the nation.

According to The Balanced Small Business, “...most fresh fruits and vegetables travel an average of 1,500 miles before reaching their final destination.” And, USA Agro Farm will follow Farm to Table model, supplying farm fresh produce and live stocks to local community through local farmer’s market, groceries and restaurants.  We will develop itself as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Restaurant Supported Agriculture (RSAs) that will benefit all stakeholders.

USA Agro Farm aims to become integral part of sustainable organic farming in the United States. Our motto is, “Organic, Sustainable and Green”. We are committed to maintain permaculture so that our earth can sustain for future generations.

We’re also thrilled to announce its offering our best organic eggs from our rare heritage breed chickens and world’s best testing chicken called ‘Bresse’ for our meat lover patrons.

कुखुराको मासु मन पराउनेहरूको लागि चरन हुर्केको लोकल, विश्वकै स्वादिष्ट मानिने ब्रिस  (Bresse) कुखुरा उपलब्ध हुनेछ।

Presenting our Grass-fed, pastureland-raised organic heritage breed beauties:


अनारकलीहरू !

युएसए एग्रो फार्मको लव ईन्टरेस्ट


Anarkalis: USA Agro Farm’s Love Interest


हामी कहाँ अब १२ हेरिटेज प्रजातिका थुप्रै अनारकलीहरू छन्ः

We’ve these 12 varieties heritage breed Anarkali beauties:

Columbian Wyandotte, Buff Brahma, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Green Queen- which lays light green eggs, Easter Egger which lays light pale blue green egg, Silver and Golden Laced Wyandotte, Delaware, Speckled Sussex and Black Jersey Giant.

अपडेटको लागि हेर्नुहोस्ः

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