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Simha (Sete) rooster: Our new prince at USA Agro Farm

Our chickendom at USA Agro Farm has welcome brilliant Simha (Sete) easter egger rooster from fellow farmer Mathew (Matt) at SAgE (Sustainable Agriculture Enterprise) farmland. Simha will be joining our chickendom’s emperor Oliver (Om Bahadur), easter egger rooster and our adopted Speckled Sussex rooster Bartolito. Oliver has already established his superiority after brisk cockfighting with them. Now, they are good brothers looking after their queens, consorts, princess and subjects- our 100+ grass-fed, pastureland-raised heritage breed chickens.

USA Agro Farm is thrilled to announce its offering from this coming Spring- our best organic eggs from our rare heritage breed chickens and world’s best testing chicken called ‘Bresse’ for our meat lover patrons.

कुखुराको मासु मन पराउनेहरूको लागि चरन हुर्केको लोकल, विश्वकै स्वादिष्ट मानिने ब्रिस (Bresse) कुखुरा उपलब्ध हुनेछ।

Presenting our Grass-fed, pastureland-raised organic heritage breed beauties:


अनारकलीहरू !

युएसए एग्रो फार्मको लव ईन्टरेस्ट


Anarkalis: USA Agro Farm’s Love Interest


हामी कहाँ अब १२ हेरिटेज प्रजातिका थुप्रै अनारकलीहरू छन्ः

We’ve these 12 varieties heritage breed Anarkali beauties:

Columbian Wyandotte, Buff Brahma, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Green Queen- which lays light green eggs, Easter Egger which lays light pale blue green egg, Silver and Golden Laced Wyandotte, Delaware, Speckled Sussex and Black Jersey Giant.

आगामी मार्च महिनादेखि रंगीविरंगी अर्ग्यानिक अण्डा र चरनमा हुर्केको (grass-fed pastureland raised) लोकल कुखुरा उपलब्ध हुनेछ।

अपडेटको लागि हेर्नुहोस्ः

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