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Hall of Fame: Rare Sighting of Our Rooster Going Broody: Farmtastic at USA Agro Farm

Updated: May 2, 2022

भाले ओथारो बस्दै

Hello Farm! Our Easter Egger Rooster Simha (सेते) thinks he can brood or incubate eggs that were laid by our heritage breed hens. What a lovely, caring boy he is. This Hall of Fame (not shame) is making him a rare sighting of a rooster doing this rare act of incubating. But, Poultrymen/women swear that a rooster can never hatch a chick. This fact makes me think of our overzealous boy being unisex in nature. And, I am absolutely rooting for his brooding effort.

When I tried to take his picture he seemed little nervous or shy. He then went to roosting area and hid his head (see picture) but I assured him that his act of brooding is nothing shameful. It’s Hall of Fame not shame.

Come, enjoy and learn with us how to be a part of the sustainable now and guardian of beautiful future. Do you know, in average, the food we eat every day travels 1,700 miles before it arrives on our dinning table. That’s traveling from New York to Boston more than 8 round trips before final delivery. Next time, try to find local farm and enjoy the freshest nature's bounty given by Mother Earth and tended by farmers like us, true children of soil.

This summer, you will enjoy our carefully selected fruits, vegetables and dazzling sunflowers. Come and show how much you love our curious goats- Charlie, Belly, Nelly, Seti, Neti, Kaili, Maili, Khaili and Tari. Also have some feathery time with our heritage breed chickens.

USA Agro Farm aims to become integral part of sustainable organic farming in the United States. Our motto is, “Organic, Sustainable and Green”. We are committed to maintain permaculture so that our earth can sustain for future generations.

EGGTASTIC! Fantastic is not enough for our USA Agro Farm's 100% natural, grass-fed pastureland-raised colorful eggs which are laid from our carefully selected and pampered 12 varieties heritage breed beauties raised in our 6-actres organically managed SAgE (Sustainable Agriculture Enterprise) Zone pastureland:

Columbian Wyandotte, Buff Brahma, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Green Queen- which lays light green eggs, Easter Egger which lays light pale blue green egg, Silver and Golden Laced Wyandotte, Delaware, Speckled Sussex and Black Jersey Giant.

Note: The price $5 is for a dozen mix verities eggs.

You can order from here:

Our Goat Journey

USA Agro Farm has adopted 4 more new exquisite female goats- Kaili, Maili, Khairi & Tari. They are befriended with our dazzling beauties- yearling boer does Belly & Nelly, two mother goats Seti & Neti and our handsome boy Charlie. We have a herd of 9 boer goats now. They are carefully bred by our fellow goat breeder Steve from Pennsylvania and Christine from North Jersey.

Goats raising business in the United States has potential to thrive. Demands for goat meat is high, especially, from growing Muslim American and South Asian American populations who prefer goat meat. USA Agro Farm aims to serve these communities. However, according to The American Goat Federation: "The importation of goat meat into the United States is estimated over 30 million dollars annually, and over half of the goat meat eaten in the U S is from feral goats imported from Australia."

We’re also thrilled to announce its offering from this coming Spring- our best organic eggs from our rare heritage breed chickens and world’s best testing chicken called ‘Bresse’ for our meat lover patrons.

कुखुराको मासु मन पराउनेहरूको लागि चरनमा हुर्केको लोकल, विश्वकै स्वादिष्ट मानिने ब्रिस (Bresse) कुखुरा उपलब्ध छ।

Presenting our Grass-fed, pastureland-raised organic heritage breed beauties:


अनारकलीहरू !

युएसए एग्रो फार्मको लव ईन्टरेस्ट



USA Agro Farm’s Love Interest


हामी कहाँ अब १२ हेरिटेज प्रजातिका थुप्रै अनारकलीहरू छन्ः

We’ve these 12 varieties heritage breed Anarkali beauties:

Columbian Wyandotte, Buff Brahma, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Green Queen- which lays light green eggs, Easter Egger which lays light pale blue green egg, Silver and Golden Laced Wyandotte, Delaware, Speckled Sussex and Black Jersey Giant.

अप्रिल महिनादेखि रंगीविरंगी अर्ग्यानिक अण्डा र चरनमा हुर्केको (grass-fed pastureland raised) लोकल कुखुरा उपलब्ध छ।

अपडेटको लागि हेर्नुहोस्ः

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